Cross-Country East to West 2021
Great one-way spring trip across the US to deliver a car to Tahoe City, CA! We took a leisurely 10 days to make the journey. Then we topped it off with a week at Lake Tahoe before flying home. Canyonlands NP in Utah and US 50 across Nevada were two highlights for me. 2800 miles to Lake Tahoe and another 230 miles driving to various trails, etc. around Lake Tahoe. 90 miles of hiking along the way and at the lake. Below, a dusting of spring snow above the Truckee River with Lake Tahoe in the background. Twin Crags trailhead. Tahoe NF, near Tahoe City, CA. And beautiful view of Front Range Rockies coming in to Denver on the way home. Believe that is Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park in the right foreground!